Following cuisines are consumed almost exclusively during hot and humid summer in Japan.

"KAKIGORI" is a Japanese summer desert made of shaved ice, served with various syrups flavors include strawbery, melon, lemon, condensed milk and so on...., but green tea should be what
reminds people of Japan the most.
Kakigori will definitely give you intense coolness to overcome the hot and humid Japanese summer!

Japanese prefer the cuisine that is refreshing in the summer. So, we like to eat "SOMEN" (a kind of Japanese noodle made of wheat flour) and "HIYAYAKKO" (a cold tofu) during the summer.
Somen are usually served cold, in some cases served in icy cold water or with ice.
They are especially popular during the hot and humid summer season.
*When eating these noodles, it is quite common for Japanese to make slurping noises.
On your visit to Japan, please do try to make noises when having these noodles, as
eating silently may lose noodle's flavor!

It is customary in Japan to eat broiled eel ("UNAGI-KABAYAKI"), which is very nutritious, on a special day called "Doyo-ushi-no-hi" period. Since ancient times eel has been thought to provide stamina and to prevent summer fatigue.
The day called "Doyo-ushi-no-hi", which is translated literally as the day of the Ox, can be seen in the calendar that follows the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.
"Doyo-ushi-no-hi" of this year is on July 24, you will find eels sold in every supermarket.