🔸Teacup "SALIU korokoro" 160ml

【 Product Type: Free cup, Mino ware 】

LOLO Co. LTd., located in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, the birthplace of Mino ware, has a reputation for creating stylish products that suit modern life by making the most of the traditions and know-how of this region.

LOLO Co. LTd Co. in Toki City, Präfektur Gifu, dem Geburtsort des Mino-Keramik, ist dafür bekannt, die Tradition und das Know-how der Region zu nutzen, um stilvolle Produkte zu schaffen, die zum modernen Leben passen.

Indigo blue - Mustard yellow - Greyish white

SALIU Japanese cup "korokoro"

by LOLO Co. Ltd.


The adorable Mino-yaki round-shaped tea cup “korokoro” has a beautiful contrast between the texture of the soil and the smooth glass glaze. (*The product name 'korokoro' is a Japanese onomatopoeic word for something round.) You can feel its comfortable weight and perfect form that fits in the palm of your hand.


◆Thick walled and high heat retention

Approx. 300 g (Weight may vary.) and has a slightly thicker wall thickness that helps retain heat. The design also makes it easier to drink, as the rim that touches the mouth becomes thinner and smoother.


◆Suitable for other drinks.

With a capacity of approx. 160 ml (at 80% fill) it is suitable not only for green tea, but also for coffee, black tea, sake, hot and cold drinks.


*Available in three colors: Indigo, mustard yellow and grayish white.

*Dishwasher/microwave safe

SALIU Serie Tasse 'Korokoro'

von LOLO Co. Ltd.


Die charmante Mino-yaki runde Teetasse „korokoro“ hat einen schönen Kontrast zwischen der Textur des Tons und der glatten Glas-Glasur. (*Der Produktname „korokoro“ ist ein japanisches lautmalerisches Wort für etwas rundes Ding.) Spüren Sie sich das angenehm Gewicht und die bequeme Passform in Ihrer Handfläche.


◆Dickwandig und hohe Wärmespeicherung

Mit einem Gewicht von ca. 300 g (Gewicht kann variieren.) und etwas dickeren Wandstärke hält der Tee länger warm. Das Design erleichtert außerdem das Trinken, da der Rand, der den Mund berührt, dünner und glatter wird.


◆Geeignet für andere Getränke.

Mit einem Fassungsvermögen von ca. 160 ml (bei 80% Füllung) eignet er sich nicht nur für grünen Tee, sondern auch für Kaffee, Schwarzen Tee, Sake, heiße und kalte Getränke.


*Erhältlich in drei Farben: Indigo, Senfgelb und Grauweiß.


☆ SALIU Cup, korokoro 160ml


【volume / Volume】       160 ml (80% filled)
【size / Maße (ca.)】        Φ 8,7 × H. 7,5 cm, 300 g
【material / Material】     Keramik (Mino ware)
【origin / Herkunft】        Mino (Gifu), Japan


*Dishwasher: OK

*Microwave: OK

*Not for use over an open fire or in an oven.

*May be damaged by sudden temperature changes.


*Spülmaschine: OK

*Mikrowelle: OK

*Nicht zur Verwendung über offenem Feuer oder im Backofen geeignet.

*Kann durch plötzliche Temperaturschwankungen beschädigt werden.


26,95 €

  • Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage *1 / Shipping 2-3 working days *1

🔸美濃焼き MINO-YAKI -  A tradition of quality


Mino-yaki is produced in the Mizunami, Tajimi, Toki, and Kani regions of Gifu prefecture with a 1300-year history. Mino ware accounts for over 50 percent of Japanese ceramics now. 


As “the way of tea” gained popularity about 400 years ago, craftsmen in Mino began producing artistic tea utensils. Shino 志野 (white and textured), Kizeto 黄瀬戸 (yellow ocher), Oribe 織部  (green pattern over light gray base) and Setoguro 瀬戸黒 (black) are representative of these crafts. Now, 15 types of Mino ware are government-recognized traditional crafts of Japan. 

Nowadays, there are many manufacturers of Mino ware, with factories producing large numbers of these fine ceramics. A side variety of ceramics, including tableware, tiles, and tools are produced by inheriting the techniques of the past and being challenged to create new technologies for the future. Mino ware’s long history and high quality makes it a prime example of Japanese ceramics and an excellent addition to any collection.


All items shown on this page are produced by Miyama Co., Ltd., who has continued to challenge themselves to new manufacturing, utilizing their “white porcelain firing technology” and “high molding technique” accumulated in Mino area. More manufacturer introduction, you can find at the end of this page.

about manufacturer

TOKI City in Gifu Prefecture lies in the heart of the region known as the cradle of Mino ceramics.The area boasts a 1300 year history as the center of ceramic culture and is home to the Shino,Oribe and Kizeto styles of ceramic art.The region also generates the majority of the nation’s Japanese and Western style tableware.


LOLO CO., LTD. Facilities are ideally located to draw on all the region has to offer by way of technology, materials and traditional know-how.We bring these resources to bear when creating unique products that enhance the comfort and enjoyment of daily life.