Chirashi-Sushi  - what we eat on the day of March 3 -


At “Hinamatsuri” family event on March 3, we eat traditional dishies such as below:

  • “Hina-Arare” 「ひなあられ」, bite size sweet and colorful rice crackers
  • “Hishimochi” 「菱餅」, diamond shape rice cake
  • “Shirozake” 「白酒」, sake made from fermented rice
  • “Hamaguri” 「はまぐり」, big clam with shells served with salt-base clear soup
  • “Chirashi-Sushi” 「ちらし寿司」, scattered Sushi

I cooked "Chirashi-Sushi" for my Hinamatsuri family dinner at home, ( It's not easy to get ingredients for other dishes in Germany. )    

Chirashi-Sushi is unrolled sushi with pieces of raw/cooked fish, vegetables and thin strips of egg. Colorful and beautifully arranged ‘artistic’ dish makes feeling of a special celebration day!

* my "gourgeous" Hina-Ningyou...
* my "gourgeous" Hina-Ningyou...
" gochisou sama deshita! "
" gochisou sama deshita! "