Japanese Rainy season "TSUYU" 梅雨

The rainy season, commonly called "TSUYU 梅雨" or ”SAMIDARE 五月雨" lasts from early June till mid July in most of countly Japan, it more or less rains everyday.


Thus period is generally avoided for tourism, but some sights are considered particularly atmospheric in the rain and fog, particularly mountain forests. TSUYU is very important for good harvests of rice, fruits or vegetable. If we have KARA TSUYU, empty rainy season, too few rain, we don’t have good harvest of agricultural products in such year.


The most popular flower in rainy season is Hydrangea, AJISAI. There are lots of temples in Japan famous for AJISAI. Even though rainy weather many visitors appreciate to watch thousands of AJISAI at temples.


If Japanese children have important event (for example ENSOKU, school’s excursion or UNDOU KAI, school’s sports day) during rainy season, they hang TERU TERU BOZU, a little traditional handmade doll made of white paper or cloth outside of window, on the day before event.

TERU TERU BOZU has magical power to bring good weather and to prevent a rainy day!


What kind of weather we have, we , Japanese enjoy it. It is our tradition to live with nature together.


After TSUYU period, we will get hot summer.