七五三  Shichi-Go-San

Shichi-Go-San is one of a traditional Japanese event to celebrate the healthy growth of young Children, held annually on 15th November. This festival is for three and seven year-old girls and three and five year-old boys.


Shichi-Go-San was originated in the Heian period. Each Shichi-Go-San age used to have different ceremony at that time.

By the Meiji period, the celemony adopted amongst commoners as well. Parents take children to a shrine and have a Shinto purification ritual, wishing for a long healthy life. Nowadays a more modern practice is photography. This day is well known

as a day to take picture of children who are dressed in Kimono, many for the first time!


During Shichi-Go-San ceremony, children are given "千歳あめ Chitose Ame" (thousand-year Candys) in a bag. Chitose Ame is long, thin, red and white candy which symbolizes healthy growth and longevity.

These are some old pictures of my parents taken me and my sister's Shichi-Go-San ceremony. What a blast from the past!